PhD-Level Ultrasonic Engineering • Medical • Manufacturing • Consumer

Impedance Analysis Course

Ultrasonic Advisors' Courses

Impedance Analysis of Ultrasonic / Piezoelectric Devices

Online Video Course

Course description

This is a paid video-based course with the goal of giving the student strong practical skills in the area of impedance measurement and analysis of ultrasonic transducers.

In this course, theory, practical examples, and calculations are outlined.

Who is this course for?

This course is for industry engineers who need to firmly establish their fundamentals in transducer analysis.

Topic description

Impedance Analysis is the most common method of characterizing ultrasonic transducers. From impedance data, ultrasonic transducer engineers can gather important electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical coupling parameters.

Course mechanics

This video based course is divided in to 4 sessions, for a total of 8 hours of instruction. PowerPoint slides as well as other supplemental material will be provided.

After the student has completed the course, they can schedule a 30min consultation for Q&A regarding their own question and unique application

Session 1: Introduction to Impedance and Off-Resonance Analysis

Introduction to impedance

  • What can impedance analysis tell us?
  • Why impedance measurement so common?
  • What is impedance?
  • How can we measure impedance?
  • What instruments can be used to measure impedance?

Off-resonance analysis

  • What physics govern the behavior of an ultrasonic transducer in off-resonance?
  • What is capacitance and dielectric loss?
  1. Theory
  2. Measurement
  3. Relationship to piezoelectric device
  • What's the best way to measure off-resonance behavior?
  • Capacitance of different piezoelectric devices
  • What can I do with capacitance measurements?

Session 2: Discussion of Resonance

Understanding resonance

  • Mechanical resonance
  • Electrical resonance

Piezoelectric resonance

  • Piezoelectric forcing
  • Piezo resonance from a mechanical perspective
  • Piezo resonance from a electrical perspective
  • Distributed system resonance

Session 3: Equivalent Circuit, Summary Parameters, Harmonics, and Crystal vs. Transducer Analysis

Parameter calculations

  • How to calculate the equivalent circuit?
  • How to calculate summary parameters used to compare transducers?

Various transducer topics

  • Detailed description of distributed system resonance from FEA perspective
  • Higher order harmonics
  • Crystal vs. transducer analysis

Session 4: Analysis of Real Transducers and Various Topics

Analysis of 7 types of transducers

  • Plate ultrasonic cleaner, ultrasonic surgical handpiece, ultrasonic rangefinding transducer, bare piezoelectric disk planar resonator, bolt-clamped ultrasonic cleaning transducer, piezoelectric buzzer (unimorph), piezoelectric speaker (piezoelectric buzzer) 

Assorted topics

  • Recommendations for practical testing
  • Topics for future study
  • High power testing of ultrasonic transducers
  • Summary

I want the course!

  • The cost of the course is $1,350 which includes:
  • 8 hours of recorded instruction, Powerpoint slide notes, excel sheet calculations
  • 30 min consultation
  • Purchase the course by clicking the "Buy Now!" button and you will be sent a link in your email  to access the course materials via a web portal.
  • Contact me at for questions or to inquire about other purchasing arrangements (bank transfer, PO)
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